Sunday, July 9, 2006

one of those perfect days

  • cool weather - sunny - warm - breezes
  • great worship at church - sermon about trust and faith - aren't they really the same thing
  • great picnic - John mentioned that it was great Carol needed a party and every one came to play
  • good conversation - I enjoyed seeing people talking to one another and getting to know new people
  • wading pool - it was a little coolish but good to sit in the water anyway
  • nap in the sun - what can I say - my favorite place to nap
  • time in the garden - planted some basil I started late - marked plants - Loveage has the best smell
  • easy chicken sandwiches - George Forman grilled the chicken - garlic and basil mayo - tomatoes on buns
  • knitting going well - finished another set of 4 rows
  • time to breathe and relax - oh so needed
  • opportunity to meet with peers to exchange ideas and resolve some issues that were heavy on my heart
  • had some time to think and anyone that knows me knows that I need silent periods just to think
  • heard some great singing when Felecia was practicing for her audition with Professor
  • saw old friends and laughed
  • one of those perfect days

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